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The American Dream


Quit my job, took all of my savings, and bought a used hot dog trailer. Painted it green with some Kangaroo logos and decided to cook tacos out of it.


I had some recipe ideas but zero experience working a commercial kitchen. Fortunately, my friend Zia Auch went Johnson & Whales and had mucho experience running the show in commercial kitchens. She also happened to be 9 months pregnant and had some time to kill. Zia gave me great recipes and showed me everything I needed to know over the last two weeks of her pregnancy. A gift I will always be grateful for...


With the support of friends and family "joeys" was born and opened for daily business at Mayo Beach in Wellfleet on July 3rd 2014. 

About Us
Our first summer: 2014
jo·ey (noun)
a young kangaroo or other marsupial

A joey is a beginner. Unencumbered with either the weight of unnecessary knowledge or handicap of meaningless experience. Someone with a new perspective.


I believe it is important to approach all situations through the eyes of a joey. A clean slate without bias, ready to learn from the wisdom of others and life experiences.


"Once you stop learning, you start dying"                ~ Albert Einstein

A Group of Kangaroos is called a Mob


Our Mob grows... College friend, travel buddy, roommate, and now business partner, Nicholas Kirkpatrick, joins the team with pups Nollie & Goose (aka senior Guzman).


JOEYS expands adding the second truck "Kanguru" into the mix.

The Joint is born

 In 2018 an opportunity was presented and Joeys now has a Joint to call its own. In a new partnership with local friend Matt Landon, Joeys Joint looks to present Eastham and lower cape with a delicious and vegan friendly taco shop environment.

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